Meet our B4B Ambassadors
B4B is supported by an international network of volunteers who raise funds to support our building programs. Our B4B Ambassadors sell bracelets &/or raise sufficient funds for the cost of a house, or approximately $4,200 USD / ~$5,750 Cdn. This entitles them to travel to Cambodia, at their own expense, to witness the gifting of a house. Many individuals have joined us in Cambodia and we understand that it has been a life-altering experience for them. If you are interested in becoming a B4B Ambassador, please click here and we can provide more information.

Martin Scheurer
Airdrie, Canada
joined B4B team in 2020.
has sponsored 4 homes including one in honour of his late wife.
traveled to Siem Reap in Feb 2023 to witness the gifting of a home.
checkout his amazing photobook!
Thank you, Martin!

Martin's Trip Photobook (click for best view)

Ross Mayer - Ambassador Emeritus / B4B Allstar🌟
Calgary, Canada
joined B4B team in 2018.
contributed funds and witnessed the gifting of homes in 2019, 2020, 2023 & 2024.
returned to Siem Reap in Feb & March 2024 to donate a new home for a deserving family.
continues to inspire and recruit new donors and ambassadors to join our team.
Ross has also been an ardent supporter of C4C/B4B with his initiatives via the Rotary Club.
Thank you, Ross! 🙏🌞

Julie & Nolan McKusick
joined B4B team in 2017 as annual donors.
sponsored a home in 2019 and joined B4B in Siem Reap in March 2020 to witness the gifting of the home.
Thank you, Julie & Nolan!

Karen Wyonzek
Fort McMurray, Canada
joined B4B team in 2019.
generously sponsored one home herself and contributed to another.
joined by her son, Tannum, to witness the gifting of the homes in Feb/Mar 2020.
Thank you, Karen! 🙏🌞

Russell Thomas
Okotoks, Canada
joined team in 2017.
tremendous fundraiser for B4B with his artistic talents. Check out his art here!!
sponsored homes & joined B4B in Siem Reap in 2017, 2019 and again in 2020.
serves on B4B board of directors.
Checkout his amazing montage of Cambodian colour and spirit chronicling his trips to Cambodia. Thank you for your immeasurable creative support!

Ross Mayer
Airdrie, Canada
joined B4B team in 2018.
contributed funds and witnessed the gifting of a home in Feb/Mar 2019.
returned to Siem Reap in Mar 2020 to donate a new home for a deserving family.
continues to inspire and recruit new Ambassadors to join our team.
Ross has also been an advent supporter of C4C/B4B with his initiative via the Rotary Club of Airdrie.
Thank you, Ross! 🙏🌞

Rolf Wenzel
Calgary, Canada
joined B4B team in 2018.
contributed funds for a house built in Feb 2019.
joined B4B in Siem Reap in Feb 2019 to witness the gifting of a new home for a deserving family.
Thank you, Rolf! 🙏🌞
"I had no idea what it took to organize and build these homes. These guys really work hard in the sun!"

Pat Chandler
Evansville, USA
joined B4B team in 2013 as an advisor, annual donor and stalwart supporter.
set up her FaceBook birthday fundraiser in 2018 and contributed funds for a home that was built in Feb 2019.
joined B4B in Siem Reap in February 2019 to witness the gifting of the home.
Thank you, Pats! 🙏🌞

The Thomas Family: Ben, Russell & Heather
Fort McMurray, Canada
joined the team in 2017.
continue to raise funds by selling prints of portraits painted by Russell. Check out his art here!!
contributed funds for a house that was built in Mar 2019.
joined B4B in Siem Reap in December 2017 and again in Feb/Mar 2019.
Russell now serves on the board of B4B.
Ben provided photos and video to support B4B. Checkout his latest video: Why B4B?

Ben & Heather
Heather & Russell

Dave & Kassy Possberg
Acheson, Canada
joined B4B team in 2018.
contributed funds for a home that was built in Feb 2019.
joined B4B in Siem Reap in February 2019 to witness the gifting of the home.
“We are so looking forward to this trip. I expect it to be a very rewarding and humbling experience. I am very proud of my daughter Kassandra for her willingness and enthusiasm to come along and share the experience with me, I'm sure this will be a great growing experience for both of us.”

Dave reflecting on Cambodia

Ross Mayer
Airdrie, Canada
joined team in 2018.
contributed funds for a house built in Feb/Mar 2019.
joined B4B in Siem Reap in Feb/Mar 2019 to witness the gifting of a new home for a deserving family.
"I have been on building sites in the West Region of Ghana and in Surabaya with Habitat for Humanity. I can personally say it is a very unique and humbling experience when you see first hand how little it really takes to change the life of a family in a third world country. You have 6 - 10 days working with a group of volunteers to assist in building / renovating a house for a family. Although you do not speak the same language.....the smiles 😀, hugs ☺️, the Thumbs up 👍, the happiness 🙏 and of course the tears of joy 😂 are the best experience you may ever have in your life. It really does change how you think about yourself / family and friends ......and really what you have as personable belongings / wealth compared to these less fortunate individuals. You realize that you do not need all the things that you and your family have accumulated over the years.....just helping in any way you can is a remarkable experience"
Tom, Bob & Leo - Tom Champion
joined team in October 2017.
contributed an herculean effort to finish B4B fundraising Project 33 1/3rd in Oct 2017.
contributed funds for > 2/3rd's of a house in Oct 2017.
AND...really good guys!

Russell & Heather Thomas
Fort McMurray, Canada
joined team in 2017.
raising funds by selling prints of portraits painted by Russell. Check out his art here!!
contributed funds for a house that was built in Dec 2017.
joined B4B in Siem Reap in December 2017 and again in Feb/Mar 2019.

“I'm excited to contribute to B4B with an open mind and heart and see what it inspires with my art. I'm humbled to be a part of a project that changes lives and look forward to meeting our neighbours and future friends in Cambodia."
“I live my love every day in service to others through the teaching of yoga, meditation and hands on healing. It is with great excitement that I am now able to extend that service to our new friends in Cambodia through B4B Home Building projects."

Sandra Hartl
Sydney, Australia
joined team in 2017.
contributed funds for a house for Mrs. Swan Kerm that was built in Nov 2017.
joined B4B in Siem Reap in November 2017 to witness the gifting of a house.
See video: A House for Mrs. Kerm
“Being an Ambassador for B4B is an exciting opportunity to have a broader impact on the community in rural Cambodia, provide perspectives and security for individuals and families and improve basic living standards - things people in developed countries take too easily for granted. I recommend this program highly – it is eye-opening and changes people’s lives for the better.”

Nick Jongebloed
North Carolina, USA
joined team in 2017.
contributed funds for a house built in Nov/Dec 2017.
joined B4B in Siem Reap in Nov/Dec 2017 to witness gifting of a new home for Vav and Leen.
“I'm excited for this experience! I will be visiting a part of the world I have never seen. I will spend time with people whose experiences are like nothing I have ever experienced. I will return home with an appreciation for the GRACE that I experience having been born on this continent.
It is exciting to know how far a few dollars can go in changing lives in Southeast Asia. Thank you Lee for the opportunity to connect with your other partners and those who we will serve. I believe I am about to make some new lifelong friends. I suspect that in December of 2017, I will become a changed man."

Tim & Jean Burgess
joined team in 2017.
contributed funds for a homes built in 2017, 2019 and 2020.
big contribution to B4B in Siem Reap in November 2017.
Tim has previously served the Board of B4B as Secretary.
Jean assisted with logistics for Ambassadors coming to Siem Reap.

Catarina Rocha & Cristiano Vieira
assisted with building Mrs. Nom's house in Nov 2016.
joined team in December 2016.
tirelessly worked on numerous fundraising events in 2017.
contributed funds for 1/2 a house in April 2017!!!!